How to Write a Professional Resume? - Writing4u


If you are searching for a job, it is highly recommended to create a successful CV that illustrates your capabilities and overall work experience. After all, it is the initial process to convince a recruiter why you are the most qualified person for the available job, therefore you need to craft a winning profile. In case you are not aware of the proper steps in writing a resume, do not worry because we will provide you clear and easy instructions on how you can develop outstanding curriculum vitae.


1.     Select the right template

Make sure to choose the most suitable format that will arrange your career milestones in a very simple, logical and readable structure. Always keep in mind to use a template that accurately represents your areas of expertise, qualifications, achievements and employment history so you can express who you are in a way that potential employers will remember. Seeking professional assistance from resume writing UAE will surely provide you a wide range of formats that reflect your personality and experience.

2.     Incorporate the right keywords

The old days of developing lengthy, black and white CVs are gone. Nowadays, the majority of employers or recruiters are now focusing on searchable keywords. It is ideally seen as a form of skills, core competencies or areas of expertise which are relevant to the role they are trying to fill. The power of keywords are essential for monitoring purposes because some organizations are using ATS (applicant tracking system), a technology which screens resumes that have keywords matching the particular job description.


3.     Develop a compelling career synopsis

Write an introductory paragraph that summarizes your overall work experience, such as total number of experience, industries you have worked, core competencies and other important career highlights. If you are going to submit the CV for a specific job, it is vital to ensure that you align the content based on the job descriptions that are highlighted in the job post or portal. This will help you to be noticed by hiring managers and invite you for a job interview. Approaching a professional resume writing UAE will absolutely help you to create one.

4.     Focus on work experience that is related to the target position

Your overall work experience is normally arranged in reverse-chronological order, starting from your present role to previous positions. Some of the most important details that you need to incorporate are your job titles, company names, dates, job roles and notable achievements. For each responsibility, it is recommended to use bullet points and make sure to write it in a cohesive, concise manner. The goal is to bring your experience to life and present what you have contributed over the years with previous employers. To guarantee that your CV will not exceed more than 3 pages, it is not necessary to put responsibilities for older positions, a very direct to the point summary will do.

5.     Customize the CV as per the position you’re applying for 

This is one of the most crucial steps in developing a successful resume to secure yourself a job interview. According to resume writing UAE, you need to cross-reference your CV in line with the job title and its description. The questions you can ask are, “Does your work experience align with the main requirements of the role? Have you mentioned the right skills in the document?”

6.     Spend time to proofread the content

Before submitting the CV to target employers, it is very important to review the document and make sure that it is free from any errors in spelling or grammar. You can read through it or ask feedback from others so you can tweak the content until it is perfect. Or the best thing you can do to guarantee a successful curriculum vitae is to seek professional guidance from a trusted resume writing UAE.